*61 Create Electronic Claims O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N Before this operation can be utilized, you must complete the necessary "sign-up" procedures with the appropriate Insurance Carrier and/or Clearing House to which you will be transmitting your claims electronically. Included with MediSoft is the ability to send your claims electronically to an EMC service. EMC transmission begins with selecting the ranges and parameters for creating a file filled with data already entered. At any time you may press the [F7]Reprocess EMC function key to access a pop-up window which will allow you to select an existing EMC Batch File for reprocessing. .PA >6101 F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N Date of Insurances: Enter the date for the insurance billing. You may press [Enter] to use the current system date. When a claim(s) is transmitted to the Insurance Carrier, this date is attached to each transaction within the accepted claim(s). .PA >6102 Range of Chart Numbers: Enter a beginning and ending chart number separated by a dash to limit EMC claims creation to specific chart numbers. If only one patient is desired, enter that patient's chart number. The default is "All" chart numbers. Press [F6]Search to access Patient Search window. You may exclude patients from EMC processing by setting the 'Is Patient' field in the Patient Information option to "No". .PA >6103 Range of Billing Codes: Enter a beginning and ending billing code separated by a dash to limit claims to patients with a specific billing code. Press [Enter] to include patients regardless of billing code. If you are using Just Claims as a stand alone package, this field will be skipped. .PA >6104 Range of Indicators: Enter a beginning and ending indicator separated by a dash to limit creation of claims to patients with a specific indicator. Press [Enter] to include patients regardless of indicator. If you are using Just Claims as a stand alone package, this field will be skipped. .PA >6105 Range of Providers: Enter a beginning and ending provider number separated by a dash to limit creation of claims to specific providers. Press [Enter] to include all providers. Press [F6]Search to access the Provider Search window. .PA >6106 Range of Service Dates: Enter a beginning and ending date separated by a dash to limit the claim file created containing transactions in a specific date range. The default is all current unbilled transactions regardless of dates. To include history, enter a date on or before the End of Period Date as defined in the Setup Office Information option. .PA >6107 Range of Procedure Codes: Enter a beginning and ending procedure code separated by a dash to limit each claim to certain procedure codes. Press [Enter] to include all procedure codes. You may wish to use this feature to print claims for procedures for which you must accept assignment, or to print only procedure which you are allowed to bill. You may also exclude procedure codes by setting the 'Patient Only Responsible' field of Procedure Code Information option to "Yes". Press [F6]Search to access the Procedure Code Search window. .PA >6108 Range of Balances: Enter a beginning and ending balance amount separated by a dash to limit claim creation to only those patients who have entries that have not been billed, to insurance whose total falls in the range specified. Use this feature to delay billing entries to a patients' insurance carrier until the unbilled balance reaches a specific threshold. .PA >6109 EMC Batch File Comment: Enter up to 30 characters of free form text that will be used to uniquely identify this EMC Batch File from other files created on the same date, for the same Carrier, etc. This information is not transmitted. If you are using the security option available within MediSoft, the current User ID will be defaulted. .PA >6110 Crossover Claims: Select the default, "Yes" and secondary insurance information will be included in the EMC file. Select "No", and no secondary information will be reported. You may exclude individual insurance companies from reporting as secondary payers one of two ways: 1. Set the Claim Print field on the Insurance Information option to "P" for PAPER. 2. Set the Delay Secondary Billing field on the Insurance Information option to "Yes". .PA >6111 Rebill Transactions: Select the default "Yes", and the system will ignore billing dates for acceptable transactions. If you select "No", the system will only include transactions which have NOT previously been marked as billed. Note: In PRODuction mode, when electronic claims are rejected; you should not need to enter "Yes" for Rebill Transactions. Refer to the Mark Claim Status option to remove primary and secondary billing dates on rejected transaction. This will cause them to be treated as unbilled entries, thus eliminating the need to rebill. .PA >6112 Primary Rebilling Dates: If you selected "No" to the Rebill Transactions prompt, this field will be skipped. Enter a beginning and ending date separated by a dash in to limit previously billed transactions to those billed within the range of dates. The default is all billed transactions. Note: If a transaction has NOT been previously billed, this range of dates will be ignored. .PA >6113 Verification Report: Select the default "Yes", and the resulting EMC Batch file will have a status of "Verify", and be automatically tagged for Verification Report printing. Enter "No", and the resulting EMC Batch file will have a status of "Transmit", and be automatically tagged for transmission. .PA >6114 Single EMC Receiver: Enter the Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier number for the desired EMC Receiver. Selecting a receiver in this field initiates EMC Batch File creation for this EMC Receiver only. The EMC Receivers listed in the GROUP EMC RECEIVER SELECTION window will be ignored. Press [F6]Search to access the EMC Receiver Lookup window. Press [F8]EMC Settings to access the Edit EMC Settings window. Leave blank to access the GROUP EMC RECEIVER SELECTION window. .CO Single EMC Receiver If the selected Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier code is defined as a Direct Receiver on the Change EMC Settings screen, claims transaction processing will be restricted to patient charts with an identical primary insured's number. If the selected EMC Receiver is defined as a Clearing House, you will be given the ability to enter a range of Insurance Company numbers. .CO Single EMC Receiver Any EMC Receiver number you attempt to select on this screen will require that you have defined an Insurance Company record in the Insurance Information option, and a Direct EMC Receiver record in the Change EMC Settings option. EMC services requires an Insurance Company record. Equifax is already assigned 0000 as the Direct Receiver number for your convenience. When establishing a Clearing House remember that the Insurance Company record is for reference purposes only, and that you should NEVER assign the Clearing House number to a Patients Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Insurance Number. .CO Single EMC Receiver IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT EMC RECEIVERS If you are going to file claims for an insurance carrier through a Clearing House, DO NOT set up the insurance carrier in the Change EMC Settings option. When an insurance carrier has been defined in EMC Change Settings it is treated like a Direct EMC Receiver. When you do select your Clearing House for EMC Batch File creation, any patient who has their primary insurance carrier defined in the EMC Settings, WILL BE SKIPPED. .CO Single EMC Receiver .PA IMPORTANT MESSAGE ABOUT CLEARING HOUSES Just because you have defined insurance company records for the Clearing Houses to which you will be submitting does not mean that these are insurance companies. DO NOT, repeat DO NOT enter an Insurance Company Number associated with any Clearing House as the primary, secondary or tertiary insurance company for any of your patients. The Clearing Houses are setup in the Insurance Company File for reference purposes only. .PA >6115 Insurance Company Range: If you selected an EMC Receiver, defined as a Direct Receiver, this this field will be skipped. Press [Enter] for the default of all insurance companies. Enter a beginning and ending insurance carrier number, separated by a dash to limit claims creation to patients whose primary insurance carrier falls within the selected Range of Insurance Companies. .PA >XWIN61R R E C R E A T E E M C B A T C H F I L E This window is used to select an existing EMC Batch File for reprocessing. If you locate an error on the Verification Report, or rejected claims in Mark Claim Status and you want to reprocess those claims, select the original EMC Batch File for reprocessing. The actual RECREATE function does not mean that those original claims will physically be reprocessed. What actually happens is that the ranges used when you created the original EMC Batch File, will be used for the recreation process. .CO Recreate EMC Batch File There are several points of interest regarding recreation: 1. If the transaction within the ranges have received a primary billing date since the original creation, and the Rebill Transactions field is "No", the transactions will NOT be included in the new EMC Batch File. 2. If you have entered new transactions that have not been billed, they may be included if they fall within the previously defined ranges. 3. If a Month End process has been performed since the original creation, and the Range of Service Dates does not fall on or before the End of Period Date, then the transactions will not be included for the recreation of the claims. .CO Recreate EMC Batch File The following are situations when you may want to recreate an existing EMC Batch File: 1) You have located an error before transmitting the EMC file. 2) The EMC Receiver rejected the entire EMC Batch File. 3) You have used "All" for the ranges, and desire to have an EMC Batch File created based on all current unbilled entries. .CO Recreate EMC Batch File The following are items that will negate the possibility of recreating: 1) You used an incorrect range setting during the original creation process. 2) You did not select Rebill Transactions in the original creation, and the transactions have since been billed. 3) You did not use a Range of Service Dates in the original creation, and now you need to bill from history. .CO Recreate EMC Batch File While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to high- light the file to be selected. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. Esc Exits the window, and positions the cursor at the last field. Enter Selects the currently highlighted EMC Batch File. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F2 Prints a utility EMC Ledger for the contents of the window. F4 Alternates between single or double line (detail) view mode. F6 Changes the current status of the highlighted EMC Batch File. STATUS: Verify, Rejected, Billed, Audit, Mark, Transmit F9 Edit the Comment field for the highlighted EMC Batch File. .PA >XWIN61CR E M C C R E A T I O N R E S U L T S This window lists the results of the recently completed EMC Batch File creation process. Each line listed within this window represents an EMC Receiver that was scheduled for EMC Batch File creation. The PROCESS column indicates whether the listed EMC Receiver was included in the EMC Batch File creation process. If the PROCESS column reads "NO", the CLAIMS column will read "0" and the EMC Batch Filename will read "Not Selected". If the PROCESS column reads "YES", then the CLAIMS column will display the actual number of claims processed for the indicated EMC Receiver. The EMC Batch Filename column will display the full filename. .CO EMC Creation Results You do have the ability to delete an EMC Batch File at this point. Press the [F10]Delete key to delete the highlighted EMC Batch File. This will not adversely effect your data. Any claims created within the deleted EMC Batch File will be included automatically the next time the EMC Receiver is selected (included) for EMC Batch File creation (provided user defined ranges do not excluded those transactions). After you delete an EMC Batch File, the CLAIMS column will read "0", and the EMC Batch Filename column will read "NO EMC BATCH FILE CREATED!" .CO EMC Creation Results If the PROCESS column reads "YES" but the CLAIMS column reads "0" and the EMC Batch Filename reads "NO VALID EMC CLAIMS FOUND", then NO ACCEPTABLE PATIENTS/TRANSACTIONS WERE FOUND. Please refer to the "Little Blue Book" for a troubleshooting checklist. .PA >XWIN61RS G R O U P E M C R E C E I V E R S E L E C T I O N This window is accessed when you leave the Single EMC Receiver field blank, indicating automatic creation of an EMC Batch File for one or more EMC Receivers. Use the arrow keys to position the highlight on an EMC Receiver. You can also press [Enter] to move the high- light to the next EMC Receiver. Press the [Space Bar] to switch the PROCESS column setting between "YES" and "NO". Press the [F5]Switch All key to switch the PROCESS column settings of all the EMC Receivers listed in the window. Press [F3]CREATE EMC to accept the PROCESS column settings and to begin EMC Batch File creation for receivers with a PROCESS column setting of "YES". .CO Group EMC Receiver Selection If the MODE column for a listed EMC Receiver ID set to TEST, the PROCESS column will be defaulted to "NO". If the MODE column for a listed EMC Receiver ID set to PROD, the PROCESS column will be defaulted to "YES". .PA >XWIN61RC B A T C H F I L E C O M M E N T The EMC Batch File you have selected for recreation has already been transmitted to the EMC receiver. This recreation process will merely use the original batch file settings to create a new EMC Batch File. Enter a Comment for this new EMC Batch File up to 30 characters of free form text that will be used to uniquely identify this EMC Batch File from others on the same date, for the same EMC Receiver, etc. The Comment for the original EMC Batch File is your default. .PA >XWIN61SC B E G I N E M C B A T C H F I L E C R E A T I O N You are being prompted now to accept the current range settings for single or group EMC Receiver or to accept the currently selected EMC Batch File for recreation. Press the letter "Y" yes to begin the EMC Batch File Creation process or "N" for no to return to the last field/window accessed. .PA >XWIN61DS D E L E T E E M C B A T C H F I L E You have chosen to delete the currently highlighted EMC Batch File that was just created. The only effect deleting this EMC Batch File will have, is that it will be like you never created this file in the first place. WARNING: If the highlighted EMC Batch File represents a RECREATED EMC Batch File that was never transmitted: The original EMC Batch File has already been replaced and no longer exists. If you delete this EMC Batch File, the original will no longer exist and you will lose all record of this EMC Batch File. .PA *62 Verification Report O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N One advantage to a "paper claim" is one's ability to view the printed information prior to mailing the "paper claim". It is very important that you are able to visually check your information prior to submitting it for payment. MediSoft allows you to generate just such an "Edit List". The Verification Report allows you to manually analyze claim information before it is submitted for payment. This process helps you minimize on the number of "rejections". A "rejection" is what happens when the insurance company cannot understand one or more pieces of information on a claim. .CO Option Information The reasons are many, but the result is the same. Refusal to pay. Use this Verification Report to locate any critical problem areas in your claim data. If you are concerned about replacing "paper claim" waste with Verification Report waste, remember to send your report to display, or a report file. This option produces a listing of all claims stored within an EMC Batch File. The information is reported by provider, then patient. The individual patient has their own claim for each provider. A patient may have multiple claims for any given provider if the line items for a patient, for a provider reference more than four (4) different diagnoses codes. .CO Option Information Total claim amounts, the number of claims and the number of line items (or transactions) are listed for each provider, and for the report. Totals for each insurance type are listed at the end of the report. It would be very ineffective to list all the information within the EMC Batch File for editing purposes, so only the "primary" information has been chosen to be included. A Verification Report without errors does not mean the EMC Batch File will be accepted. .PA >6201 Verification Report Type: Enter a 1, 2, 3 or 4 to select a specific type of Verification Report. 1: Summary - Print a single line for each claim. 2: Standard - Print basic patient and insurance information. Print detailed transaction information. 3: Detailed - Print detailed patient, insurance, facility and referring provider information. Prints detailed transaction information. 4: Raw Data - Print the contents of the EMC TRANSMISSION FILE. This is a file "dump" and is not formatted for user interpretation. .PA >6202 Print Insurance Summary: Following each EMC Batch File Verification Report is the Insurance Type Summary page. This optional document summarizes claim amounts by Insurance Carrier Type: Commercial/NEIC, Medicaid Phys, Medicare/Medicaid, Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Blue Cross Physician, Champus or Workmans Compensation. Select "Y" yes to include this page after each Verification Report. Select "N" for no to exclude this page. .PA >XWIN62T T A G E M C B A T C H F I L E S This window is used to modify the "selection list" of EMC Batch Files that will have a Verification Report printed. When an EMC Batch File is created, and the Verification Report is set to YES, the resulting EMC Batch File(s) will be tagged and ready for printing. You would not need to modify the settings in the TAG column. It would be more likely that you may need to reprint a Verification Report. In that event, this window allows you to change the YES/NO setting in the TAG column. By pressing the SPACEBAR you toggle the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. By pressing the [F5] key, you toggle the TAG setting for ALL the EMC Batch Files. .CO TAG EMC Batch Files While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to highlight and select a file. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. Esc Exits the window, and positions the cursor at the last field. Enter Begin the Verification Report printing process. Space Change the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F2 Prints a utility EMC Ledger for the contents of the window. F4 Alternates between single or double line (detail) view mode. F5 Change the TAG setting for all of the EMC Batch Files. F6 Changes the current status of the highlighted EMC Batch File. STATUS: Verify, Rejected, Billed, Audit, Mark, Transmit F9 Edit the Comment field for the highlighted EMC Batch File. .PA *63 Transmit Electronic Claims O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N You have by now, created one or more EMC Batch Files. You may have also verified their contents using the Print Verification Report. Now you are ready to transmit the EMC Batch File(s) to the appropriate EMC receiver(s). The concept of transmitting EMC Batch Files is simple: Dial a carrier, give them your ID, request a transmission, transmit the file, request any return files then say goodbye. .CO Option Information These is no user interface required, beyond that of selecting which EMC Batch Files to transmit. For the most part, the job of selecting the EMC Batch Files is also handled automatically. All you need to do is initiate the transmission process. Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes "fatal" errors occur. Errors can be anything from an incorrectly configured modem, to noise on the telephone line. When certain errors occur, MediSoft notifies you of the error via the "Error Message Window". This window will remain on the screen until a key is pressed. Other than that, transmission is automatic. .CO Option Information MediSoft Direct comes standard with the ability to file claims electronically with EMC services. You have direct options too. You may use one of the included clearing houses, or you may submit directly to the EMC receiver using a MediSoft EMC Direct module (depending upon availability). All EMC functionality is provided through the means of Format Files. These Format Files contain all information and instructions for MediSoft Direct to correctly analyze your data, create an EMC Batch File conforming to the EMC receivers guidelines, transmit the EMC Batch File and potentially update your system with Electronic Remittance Information on your filed claims. Please, contact your MediSoft dealer for information on purchasing MediSoft EMC Direct Format Files. .CO Option Information P R E - R E Q U I S I T E S T O T R A N S M I T T I N G In order to successfully send your electronic claims to a Clearing House or directly to an EMC Receiver you need to be sure you have have correctly done the following: 1. Entered the EMC Receiver or Clearing House into the Insurance Information screen of MediSoft. NOTE: You DO NOT need to setup Equifax in the Insurance Information screen of MediSoft if you will be using the default 0000 receiver. .CO Option Informatio 2. Defined settings for the EMC receiver in the EMC Settings option of MediSoft. NOTE: You must setup Equifax in the EMC Settings File. {Please see IMPORTANT EMC SETTINGS MESSAGE for some additional information following this help.} 3. Established all necessary MediSoft data {i.e. Patients, Codes,...} 4. Generated Patient Transactions using (3-1) Transaction Entry. 5. Created an EMC Batch File using the Create Electronic Claims option of MediSoft. 6. Possibly printed Verification Reports for the EMC Batch Files. .CO Option Information A D D I T I O N A L T R A N S M I T I N F O R M A T I O N Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier connections vary greatly. Some are as simple as dial up, upload and disconnect. Others are full featured Bulletin Board Systems in which a lengthy series of logon procedures and menu options are required before a file may be transmitted. Either way, each individual carriers requirements have been met within the EMC receivers MediSoft EMC Direct Format File. Some receivers provide instant EMC Batch File submission results in the form of a Post Transmission Report. Whenever possible, MediSoft automatically returns this file to your system. .CO Option Information MediSoft also makes concessions for those receivers who send back multiple files, such as EOMB's and ERN's. Some of these files which are "downloaded" contain information on the acceptance/rejection of previously submitted claims. When possible, MediSoft will analyze these files and update the MediSoft data for you. In many cases, the "downloaded" files cannot be, consistently, interpreted. In other cases, there are no "downloaded" files. In either of these cases, you as the user are required to manually perform any subsequent billing functions. Please read the MediSoft Direct manual for each of the carriers you have installed for information on the specific results you may expect during the transmission process. .PA >6301 T R A N S M I S S I O N D E L A Y This function gives you the ability to suspend the transmission of a group of one or more EMC Batch Files that have a status of "Transmit". This is helpful when the EMC receiver(s) experience an overload during normal business hours, resulting in BUSY signals and slow connections. Some EMC receivers may assign you a transmission "slot" or time window in which your EMC Batch Files must be transmitted. This delay feature does require exclusive access of the computer while in the delay or countdown mode. Once you set the start time, MediSoft will display an "EMC Transmission Delay" countdown screen saver. You may interrupt this delay event by pressing the [Esc] key. .CO Option Information Start Time: Enter the desired transmission process starting time. Enter the hour, followed by the minutes, followed by a "p" or "a" to indicate PM or AM. If the time you enter is earlier than the current time, the system will delay until the specified time the following day. Thus, you may specify times as obscure as 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, should that become necessary. You may return to the EMC Batch File selection windows by pressing the [Esc] key. .PA >XWIN63 T A G E M C B A T C H F I L E S This window is used to modify the "selection list" of EMC Batch Files that will be included in the transmission process. When an EMC Batch File is created, and the Verification Report field on the Create Electronic Claims screen is set to NO, the resulting EMC Batch File(s) will be tagged and ready for transmission. Otherwise, a Verification Report would have been required for the EMC Batch File to have a status of Transmit. In either case, the EMC Batch File will now be tagged for transmission. You normally do not need to modify any of the TAG column settings, unless a transmission failed or was abandoned. .CO Option Information In that event, this window allows you to change the YES/NO setting in the TAG column. By pressing the SPACEBAR you toggle the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. By pressing the [F5] key, you toggle the TAG setting for ALL the EMC Batch Files. While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to highlight and select a file. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. .CO Option Information Esc Exits the window, and returns to the MediSoft Sub-Menu. Enter Immediately initiate the EMC Batch File Transmission process. Space Change the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F2 Set MediSoft into a user defined Transmission Delay process. F4 Alternates between single or double line (detail) view mode. F5 Change the TAG setting for all of the EMC Batch Files. F6 Changes the current status of the highlighted EMC Batch File. STATUS: Verify, Rejected, Billed, Audit, Mark, Transmit F9 Edit the Comment field for the highlighted EMC Batch File. .PA >SPEC630 U S E R D E F I N E D F I L E N A M E The system is requesting that you supply a valid D O S Filename. You may indicate a drive and a path that are different from the current directory. You may also specify a filename different from that which is displayed. WARNING: The User Defined File will overwrite any existing file with the same name. .CO Option Information The system is displaying what it calls the "Most Logical Default". Since MediSoft utilizes a file naming convention for its EMC files based upon the day of the year, the number of files created within the same day, a "file type" character identifier and the data set, It is now suggesting that you do the same. This will give you a way of "attaching" files to their related EMC Batch Files by way of the file name. The system initially defaults a "file type" character of "K". MediSoft is reserving the first ten (10) alphabetic letters for system and control information that may be required in the future. .CO Option Information If you accept the "Most Logical Default", MediSoft will increment to the next letter in the alphabet. Giving you the ability to receive up to sixteen (16) files to be "attached" to a single Claims Batch File. NOTE: You must make an entry here. You may not press [Esc] to abort ! .PA *64 Post Transmission Report T A G E M C B A T C H F I L E S This window is used to modify the "selection list" of EMC Batch Files that will be included in for Post Transmission Report printing. When an EMC Batch File is successfully transmitted, the status of the file will be changed to either Mark or Audit. The status will be set to Audit when an online claim status report is available - and MediSoft is able to interpret that file. Otherwise, claim status determination is the responsibility of the user. Regardless of a Mark or Audit status, the Batch File will be tagged for Post Transmission Report printing. .CO TAG EMC Batch Files This does not necessarily mean that a recently transmitted EMC Batch File has a Post Transmission Report waiting to be printed. Some EMC receivers will have a report that was used to perform claim status determination. In that case, the Post Transmission will be printed during the Audit/Edit Report printing, making this function unnecessary. Some EMC receivers will require you to manually collect the Post Transmission Report from the BBS some time after transmission (using the Carrier BBS Connection screen). In that case you may be required to print the Post Transmission Report from the Print Text File option screen within the MediSoft Utilities Menu. .CO TAG EMC Batch Files And still some other EMC receivers may not supply any form of Post Transmission Report that can be acquired "electronically". Most EMC receivers do provide an immediate Post Transmission Report which may be printed out from this screen. Check within the MediSoft EMC Direct manual for your EMC Receiver(s) for details on Post Transmission Report availability. You normally do not need to modify any of the TAG column settings, unless you need a reprint of a previously printed report. In that event, this window allows you to change the YES/NO setting in the TAG column. By pressing the SPACEBAR you toggle the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. By pressing the [F5] key, you toggle the TAG setting for ALL the EMC Batch Files. .CO TAG EMC Batch Files While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to position the highlight. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. .CO TAG EMC Batch Files Esc Exits the window, and returns to the MediSoft Sub-Menu. Enter Begins the Post Transmission Report printing process. Space Change the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F2 Prints a utility EMC Ledger for the contents of the window. F4 Alternates between single or double line (detail) view mode. F5 Change the TAG setting for all of the EMC Batch Files. F6 Changes the current status of the highlighted EMC Batch File. STATUS: Verify, Rejected, Billed, Audit, Mark, Transmit F9 Edit the Comment field for the highlighted EMC Batch File. .PA *65 Mark Claim Status O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N After an EMC Batch File has been successfully transmitted to the EMC receiver, MediSoft updates all the transactions within each claim with a primary (and possibly a secondary) billing date. If your Office Information has been setup to create Billing Notes, these will also be created. An Insurance Analysis record is also output for each claim. By marking billing dates on the transactions, MediSoft will now exclude those transactions from further MediSoft Billing operations, unless specifically told (rebill transactions). .CO Option Information In the world of electronic claims, transmitting an EMC Batch File does mean those claims will be paid. Electronic claims, like paper claims, may be rejected after being received by the EMC receiver. This means that until the EMC receiver (or insurance company) actually accepts or rejects those claims, they are really "pending". If the EMC receiver makes available an online claim status file that MediSoft is able to consistently interpret, the process of marking claims as accepted or rejected is performed immediately after the transmission in an automated fashion. Thus making use of this option unnecessary. The Equifax electronic interface functions in this manner. .CO Option Information Equifax EMC Batch Files are given a status of Audit immediately following transmission. Most other EMC receivers do not have this functionality. Thus the need to manually mark claims as accepted or rejected. Some EMC receivers will also reject individual line items, but still pay on a claim. This option also handles line item transaction rejections. When a claim is rejected (or an individual transaction), MediSoft will remove the primary and secondary billing dates for the appropriate transactions. MediSoft will also output an Insurance Analysis adjustment record to offest the original entry when the EMC Batch File was transmitted. .PA >XWIN65 S E L E C T E M C B A T C H F I L E S This window is used to select an EMC Batch File for claim status determination. The EMC Batch Files listed all have a status of Mark. These are files which have been transmitted, but MediSoft could not perform any immediate online claim status determination. .CO Select EMC Batch Files All claims within an EMC Batch File with a status of Mark are initially set to PENDING. This is a temporary status. It is up to you to acquire some form of claim status report from the EMC receiver or the insurance carrier, in order to change the PENDING to either ACCEPTED, REJECTED or OK:PAPER (which means accepted, but forwarded on paper to the payer). Only when all the claims within the EMC Batch File have been switched will MediSoft "process" the rejected transactions and change the EMC Batch File status to Audit. The existence of an EMC Batch File in this window indicates that at least one claim for the batch still has a status of PENDING. .CO Select EMC Batch Files It is possible to perform service line item rejections as well. Once you have selected an EMC Batch File, you may pop up a window of the service line items for each claim. Claims which have rejections at the line item level will show a status of PARTREJ (Partial Rejection). .CO Select EMC Batch Files While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to highlight and select a file. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. Esc Exits the window, and positions the cursor at the last field. Enter Selects the currently highlighted EMC Batch File. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F2 Prints a utility EMC Ledger for the contents of the window. F4 Alternates between single or double line (detail) view mode. F6 Changes the current status of the highlighted EMC Batch File. STATUS: Verify, Rejected, Billed, Audit, Mark, Transmit F9 Edit the Comment field for the highlighted EMC Batch File. .PA >CWIN65 M A R K C L A I M S T A T U S This window displays the claims within the selected EMC Batch File. This window is used to change the status of each of the claims to ACCEPT, REJECT or OK:PAPER. When a claim is switched to ACCEPT, no additional processing occurs. This is because the assumption of acceptance is made when the EMC Batch File was transmitted. It is when a claim is switched to REJECT that additional processing is required. Specifically: the primary and secondary billing dates are removed, and an adjusting Insurance Analysis record is created. MediSoft will only process the rejected claims once all claims have been switched from PENDING. .CO Mark Claim Status It is possible to reject individual transactions on a claim by pressing the [F7] key. This will pop up the MARK CLAIM ENTRIES window. When individual transactions have been rejected, the claim status will be set to PARTREJ (Partial Rejection). If you reject all the line items within the MARK CLAIM ENTRIES window, the claim status will be set to REJECT. Likewise if you ACCEPT all the transactions within the MARK CLAIM ENTRIES window, the claim status will also be ACCEPT. Once ALL claims within the selected EMC Batch File have been switched from PENDING, the rejected claims/transactions will be processed and the status of the EMC Batch File will be changed to Audit. .CO Mark Claim Status Once rejected transactions have been processed, they can be included in the next Create Electronic Claims process without having to select YES to the Rebill Transactions field. If the rejected transactions reside in the Transaction History file you will need to enter a Range of Service Dates that will include the history file. .CO Mark Claim Status While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to position the highlight. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. Esc Exit the MARK CLAIM STATUS window WITHOUT processing. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F3 Exit the MARK CLAIM STATUS window AND attempt processing. F5 Change the claim status: PENDING, ACCEPT, REJECT, OK:PAPER F6 Change status of all claims within the EMC Batch File. F7 Access the MARK CLAIM ENTRIES pop up window. .PA >TWIN65 M A R K C L A I M E N T R I E S This window displays the transactions within the selected Claim. This window is used to change the status of each transaction to ACCEPT or REJECT. When all the transactions are set to ACCEPT, the claim will be set to ACCEPT. If all the transactions are set to REJECT, the claim will be set to REJECT. Only when there is a combination of ACCEPT and REJECT for the transactions will the claim be set to PARTREJ (Partial Rejection). .CO Mark Claim Entries When a claim is set to PARTREJ, only those transactions with a status of REJECT will be processed (remove billing dates and enter an adjustment into the Insurance Analysis file). You will use the [F5] key to change the status of the highlighted transaction to either ACCEPT or REJECT. You will use the [F6] key to change the status of all transactions on the claim. .CO Mark Claim Entries While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to position the highlight. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. Esc Exit the MARK CLAIM ENTRIES window and save. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F5 Change the transaction status: ACCEPT, REJECT F6 Change status of all transactions on the claim. .PA *66 Audit Report O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N An EMC Batch File may be "finalized" one of two ways: 1.) MediSoft analyzes a Post Transmission Report immediately following a successful transmission. During this analyzing process, MediSoft is able to determine acceptance and rejection at the claim level. 2.) You manually determine the acceptance/rejection for all claims within the EMC Batch File. Either method will result in an EMC Batch File status of Audit. This status indicates that the EMC Batch File is finalized, but now requires the creation of an audit trail. .CO Print Audit/Edit Report This audit trail will list the EMC Batch File information in the same format as the Verification Report. The Audit/Edit report will also include claim and transaction acceptance/rejection information. Acceptance and Rejection totals will be reported at the provider subtotal level and the report total level. The Insurance Summary (if printed) will also be broken down into Acceptance and Rejection totals. Upon printing of an Audit/Edit report, the status of the EMC Batch File is changed to the system date when the EMC Batch File received a status of Audit. At that point the EMC Batch File may be purged. .PA >6601 Audit Report Type: Enter a 1, 2 or 3 to select a specific type of Audit Report. 1: Summary - Print a single line for each claim. 2: Standard - Print basic patient and insurance information. Print detailed transaction information. 3: Detailed - Print detailed patient, insurance, facility and referring provider information. Prints detailed transaction information. .PA >6602 Print Insurance Summary: Following each EMC Batch File Audit/Edit Report is the Insurance Type Summary page. This optional document summarizes claim amounts by Insurance Carrier Type: Commercial/NEIC, Medicaid Phys, Medicare/Medicaid, Medicare, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Blue Cross Physician, Champus or Workmans Compensation. Select "Y" for yes to include this page after each Audit/Edit Report. Select "N" for no to exclude this page. .PA >6603 Print New Attachments: During BBS connections it is possible to "attach" downloaded files to existing EMC Batch Files. It is possible to have more than one download attached to any given EMC Batch File (up to 16). When you print the Post Transmission Report, all attached files are printed and MediSoft stores a last printed indicator. It is possible to attach new downloads to an EMC Batch File between the Post Transmission Report and the Audit/Edit Report. These are considered New Attachments. Select "Y" for yes to include new or unprinted EMC Batch File attachments. Select "N" for no to exclude new or unprinted EMC Batch File attachments. .PA >6604 Reprint Old Attachments: Select "Y" for yes to include any Post Transmission Reports that have already been printed. Select "N" for no to exclude previously printed Post Transmission Reports. .PA >XWIN66T T A G E M C B A T C H F I L E S This window is used to modify the "selection list" of EMC Batch Files that will have an Audit/Edit Report printed. When an EMC Batch File is processed after transmission, or when the file is manually completed using the Mark Claim Status option, the status is set to Audit, and is tagged and ready for printing. So you would not need to modify the settings in the TAG column. It would be more likely that you may need to reprint a Audit/Edit Report. In that event, this window allows you to change the YES/NO setting in the TAG column. By pressing the SPACEBAR you toggle the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. By pressing the F5 key, you toggle the TAG setting for ALL the EMC Batch Files. .CO TAG EMC Batch Files While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to position the highlight. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. Esc Exits the window, and positions the cursor at the last field. Enter Begin the Audit/Edit Report printing process. Space Change the TAG setting for the highlighted EMC Batch File. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F2 Prints a utility EMC Ledger for the contents of the window. F4 Alternates between single or double line (detail) view mode. F5 Change the TAG setting for all of the EMC Batch Files. F6 Changes the current status of the highlighted EMC Batch File. STATUS: Verify, Rejected, Billed, Audit, Mark, Transmit F9 Edit the Comment field for the highlighted EMC Batch File. .PA *67 Carrier BBS Connection O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N The Carrier BBS Connection screen is a service utility. Use of this portion within MediSoft performs no modification of any files. No status' are updated, no transactions are modified, no billing processes occur. You may use this screen as often or as little as you need. Its purpose however, is invaluable. As mentioned earlier, your EMC receivers may not provide you with any immediate online Post Transmission Reports following the automated EMC Batch File upload. Thus, you may need to acquire claim acceptance and rejection reports by some alternate means. .CO Carrier BBS Connection Some EMC receivers will mail those reports. Other carriers allow you to acquire the reports through a Bulletin Board System (BBS). Essentially, you dial up the EMC receiver, provide some general information, access some menus, then hangup. The "access some menus" aspect includes making inquiries into payments, EOBs, personal mail, medical bulletins, Post Transmission Reports and Claim Status Reports. Not necessarily all of these functions described will be available. There may be many more features than described. It is dependent upon the EMC receiver. .CO Carrier BBS Connection MediSoft provides the means to get you connected to an EMC receivers BBS. Not all receivers provide a BBS. MediSoft addresses those that do. MediSoft automatically establishes a connection to the BBS, and in many cases automatically gets you signed on (logged). You may immediately begin accessing the BBS menu options. You must refer to the manual included with your MediSoft EMC Direct software for details on availability and usage of an EMC receivers BBS. .CO Carrier BBS Connection MediSoft provides a generic way for you to access various BBS systems. Included with your MediSoft product is a MediSoft BBS Format File. Not only will this EMC Format File give you access to the MediSoft BBS, but to virtually any other BBS you desire. There are several limitations: 1.) The Bulletin Board must be ANSI-BBS terminal emulation. VT-100, DEC, etc. will not work correctly. 2.) There is no "automatic" signon available, thus your sign-on process must be a user friendly (non coded) sign on. 3.) The BBS must be an N-8-1 (No Parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit) connection. If it is not (i.e. 7-E-1 for Compuserve) you will be required to modify your connection settings immediately after entering the "Terminal Mode" using the [F10] Utilities key. .CO Carrier BBS Connection T H E M E D I S O F T B B S MediSoft BBS specific setup and configuration details can be found in your manual to get you connected for the first time. .CO Carrier BBS Connection G E N E R I C B B S A C C E S S The following steps will setup a generic (user desired) BBS, and get you connected for the first time. 1. Go to the Carrier BBS Connection option of MediSoft. 2. Press the [F8] EMC Settings key. 3. Press the [F6] Search key. 4. Press the [F8] New key. 5. Enter the desired BBS for the Insurance Name (i.e. "CompuServe"). 6. Press the [F3] Save key. 7. Enter "MBBS" for the Format File ID. 8. Leave Receiver ID, Submitter ID, Password and Contact blank. .CO Carrier BBS Connection 9. Enter "OPEN" into the Region field. MUST USRE UPPERCASE LETTERS! 10. Leave the Mode Indicator field set to "TEST". 11. Enter the appropriate phone number for the BBS. NO PUNCTUATION. 12. Use the arrow key to set the Serial Port field to either COM1:, COM2:, COM3: or COM4:; whatever is appropriate for your hardware configuration. 13. Use the arrow key to set the Baud Rate field to either 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400 or 57,600; whatever is appropriate for your modem. If you have a 14.4k modem you should try 57,600 first. Press [Enter] to accept the displayed Baud rate. 14. Press [Enter] to accept the displayed default "ATDT" for the Modem Dialing PREFIX field. .CO Carrier BBS Connection 15. Press [Enter] to accept leave the Modem Dialing SUFFIX field blank. 16. Leave the Modem Deinitialization field blank. 17. Change the Connection Attempts field to "0". 18. Leave the Receiver Type field set to "Clearing House". 19. Leave the BBS Submitter ID and BBS Password fields blank. 20. Press the [F3] Save key. 21. Press the [Esc] key. 22. Press the [F7] EMC Lookup key. .CO Carrier BBS Connection 23. Use the cursor control keys to highlight the desired BBS. 24. Press [Enter] to select the highlighted EMC receiver. 25. Press [Enter] again to initiate the BBS connection process. 26. If the settings you entered for the Serial Port, Baud Rate, Modem Dialing PREFIX and SUFFIX are correct; and the modem is connected to a valid phone line, then MediSoft will successfully dial into the selected BBS ! 27. Refer to your MediSoft manual, or [F1] Help for information on the MediSoft Terminal Emulator. .PA >6701 F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier: Enter the EMC receiver number for the desired BBS. If the selected EMC receiver does not offer a BBS an error message will be displayed. Otherwise, MediSoft will automatically connect to the BBS. Refer to your EMC Direct reference manual for any additional information regarding each EMC receivers' BBS. Press the [F6] Search key for the standard MediSoft Insurance Carrier search window. Press the [F7] EMC Lookup for a pop up selection window of established EMC receivers. Press [Esc] to return to the sub-menu. .PA >SPEC6701 T E R M I N A L E M U L A T O R - You are no longer in MediSoft - You are now in "Terminal Mode" and MediSoft is your "Shell". What you are seeing on the screen is data that is coming across the phone line from the BBS to which you are connected. This information is being converted by your modem, and then displayed on the monitor. Your "job" is to respond to the BBS prompts (or questions) in order to "navigate" the BBS menu structure, to reach the information pertinent to your needs. You navigate (or respond) to the BBS prompts by simply entering the appropriate response to each unique prompt. .CO Terminal Emulator All Bulletin Board Systems do, fundamentally, the same things: 1.) Upload (or Send) Data and/or Files 2.) Download (or Receive) Data and/or Files 3.) View Mail/Messages and other Information 4.) Enter and Direct Mail/Messages and other Information The MENUing structure and associated prompts are merely the vehicle by which those fundamental functions are completed. Typical to a BBS environment is the "default" response. This means that many times, you need not enter any information, just accept the default. With most BBS, you will eventually see the following prompt: .CO Terminal Emulator Do you want graphics (Enter=yes) ? By simply pressing [Enter] you would be telling the BBS that YES, you do want to use graphics. Another example might be: (2) Enter the filename to download (Enter=none): By just pressing [Enter] without supplying a filename, you have told the BBS system that you DO NOT want to enter anymore filenames for downloading, and to continue with the next logical step. In most cases the BBS will give you a list of valid entries that may be selected. For example: .CO Terminal Emulator Files List Command (X=Main Menu, G=Goodbye, #=Directory) ? In this case, you could enter an 'X' to return to the BBS Main Menu. A 'G' would disconnect from the BBS altogether; and a number from the menu will yield a listing of the files available in a selected Directory. In most cases the letter 'H' or the word 'HELP' will access help information pertinent to the functions available on the selected BBS. That explains the "Terminal Mode" concept. .CO Terminal Emulator The "Shell" refers to the fact that you may access MediSoft functions through the use of the "command keys" listed across the bottom two lines of this screen. By selecting [F1] Help, you have made use of one of these "command keys". A brief description of each command key: [F1] Help Brings up context sensitive help. Other functions have additional levels of specific help which are activated by this same key. .CO Terminal Emulator [F4] ClearScrn Clears all information currently displayed within the Terminal Window and places the cursor in the upper left corner. [F7] LogScrn Activates SESSION LOG RECORDING and places the last 1000 characters displayed into the "Log" file. This can also be defined by saying it "dumps" the contents of the screen to a log file, and begins recording the Terminal Mode session. .CO Terminal Emulator [F8] Rec On/Rec Off Activates the SESSION LOG RECORDING, but does not retroactively log information currently displayed. This method of session recording does not "capture the screen", but merely begins recording from that point forward. If session recording has already been started, this function will stop the session recording and close the "Log" file. .CO Terminal Emulator [F9] Hangup Terminates the Terminal Mode at that point and returns you to the MediSoft EMC Sub-Menu. Normally, Terminal Mode will automatically hangup and exit when it senses a loss of the carrier signal. This usually takes a few seconds for the modem to sense and activate the automatic hangup feature. You may "lockout" the automatic hangup feature, and force use of the [F9] Hangup command by pressing the [Alt] [F1] key combination. This is useful if you want to work in the "Modem Command State" when Carrier Detect is normally "low". .CO Terminal Emulator [F10] Utilities For more experienced communications users, this menu allows you to modify settings directly relating to the current session. Any change made from this menu is only temporary and WILL NOT affect those default settings defined in the Change EMC Settings screen. [PgUp] Send Initiate a MediSoft Upload. First step determines the PROTOCOL to be used. After that, you specify the file(s) to be sent to the BBS. .CO Terminal Emulator [PgDn] Receive Initiate a MediSoft Download. First step determines the PROTOCOL to be used. After that, you may be asked if you want to ATTACH the download to an EMC Batch File. If not, you may be asked to specify a destination filename. .CO Terminal Emulator COM Settings In the lower left corner of the screen are the current COM (or communications) settings. The COMx: number refers to the current Serial Port actively selected. The next fields are the Baud Rate, the Word Length, the Parity and the Stop Bits. These values are used to describe most BBS connections. Most common is the 8-N-1, which means eight (8) data bits, No parity and one (1) Stop Bit. Second most popular connection is 7-E-1, or seven (7) data bits, Even parity and one (1) Stop Bit. NOTE: Users running DOS based MediSoft out of Windows will notice a Baud Rate of -1. MediSoft is unable to report the Baud Rate while running under Windows. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT PROCESSING ! .CO Terminal Emulator F I L E T R A N S F E R S Uploading and Downloading Without a doubt, the most confusing aspect of modem communications is the concept of File Transfer. Also known as Uploading, Downloading and File Send/Receive. HERE IS HOW YOU PERFORM FILE TRANSFERS: First, you tell the BBS to either send or receive files. This is usually accomplished by selecting either "U" for Upload or "D" for Download from the appropriate BBS menu (Menu structure and command keys vary between EMC receiver BBS). BOTTOM LINE: you tell the BBS you want to send or receive files. .CO Terminal Emulator Second, tell the BBS the file(s) you want to send/receive. If you are sending files from your system to the BBS (uploading), you will usually have to follow the filename with a description. Whatever default protocol you have selected will now play a part in what happens next. If your default protocol is any of the following: ASCII, XModem/Checksum, Xmodem-CRC, XModem-LRC, XModem-1K, XModem-1K-G the BBS will begin trying to send/receive the defined filename. Otherwise, if your default protocol is any of the following: YModem-Batch, Ymodem-G, Kermit, ZModem .CO Terminal Emulator the BBS will ask you to enter the next filename. You will need to leave the filename field blank and press [Enter] to end the "file list" building mode. Then you will be asked the following: (A)bort, (C)ont, (E)dit, (G)oodbye, (L)ist, (P)rotocol, (Enter=cont) You may scrap the transfer process, continue with the next step, edit your "file list", hangup when transfer is complete, view your "file list" or select a different protocol. If you select (C) or press [Enter] to continue, the BBS will begin trying to send/receive the defined filename(s). .CO Terminal Emulator Third, you begin the file transfer process on your "local" end. If you are sending files to the BBS (uploading) you will press the [PageUp] key. If you are receiving files from the BBS (downloading) you press the [PageDown] key. If you are downloading and the BBS is using either Kermit or ZModem, you will not have to press the [PageDown] key. The "local" receive process will be initiated automatically ! .CO Terminal Emulator Fourth, you must select the protocol. You must select the same protocol that the BBS is using to send/receive. In many cases, the BBS will have the current protocol displayed on the screen (middle to bottom, left). Using the arrow keys, highlight and select the same protocol. If you are downloading and the BBS is using either Kermit or Zmodem, the protocol will be selected automatically ! .CO Terminal Emulator The fifth step varies for uploads or downloads. If you are UPLOADING: MediSoft will ask you to specify the file to send to the BBS. If the file(s) are located anywhere but the MediSoft program directory, you must specify the FULL DRIVE:\PATH\FILENAME ! If you are uploading using one of the following protocols: YModem Batch, YModem-G, Kermit, ZModem You may include standard DOS wildcard identifiers ( ?, * ) to indicate multiple (or batched) files. .CO Terminal Emulator If you are DOWNLOADING: Unless you are downloading using ZModem, MediSoft will now ask if you want to ATTACH the first file in the download to an EMC Batch File. If you enter the letter "Y" for YES, you will be able to select an EMC Batch File, to which the file that is being downloaded will become a Post Transmission Report ! If you ATTACH, MediSoft will automatically assign the filename for the downloaded file. If you enter "N" for NO to the ATTACH prompt, MediSoft will not assign the download file to an EMC Batch File. In that case you may be asked to give a "destination" filename. If the protocol is one of the following: ASCII, XModem/Checksum, XModem-CRC, XModem-1k, XModem-1k-G .CO Terminal Emulator you will be prompted to enter the "destination" filename. This filename may also include drive and path specifications. If the protocol is one of the following: YModem Batch, YModem-G, Kermit, ZModem you will NOT be prompted for the "destination" filename. The filenames will be assigned automatically as the file(s) are received. .CO Terminal Emulator If you are using the ZModem protocol to download, you do not need to do anything at all. ZModem downloads are fully automatic ! If you are using the Kermit protocol, you will not need to press the [PageDown] key. You will however, be able to select Y or N to the "ATTACH first file..." prompt. YOU ARE NOW TRANSFERRING YOUR FILE(S) !!! .CO Terminal Emulator Notice the File Transfer "popup" window. Make a special note of the "Retries" and "Bytes" counters. If the Retries count up - and the Bytes do not; then you have a problem. Or if an error box appears on the screen, the File Transfer has failed. Here are some reasons why file transfers fail: 1.) The BBS and MediSoft are not using the same PROTOCOL. 2.) The filename you entered to upload is invalid (missing, typo...) 3.) The download file already exists and is attributed as READ ONLY ! 4.) You have a "noisy" connection. .CO Terminal Emulator If you do not get an error, then your transfer was successful. Most BBS give a message indicating success. NOTE: All BBS vary in design and implementation. But one common thread exists: You must always get the BBS into it's upload/download waiting state before you initiate the MediSoft (local end) upload/download ! .PA >SPEC670-1 ASGENERALERROR: -1 This is a general modem failure error. This error usually indicates a hardware failure. You should try another modem, or other communications software to assist in diagnosing the problem. .PA >SPEC670-2 ASINVPORT: -2 You have selected a Serial Port that is not recognized by MediSoft. Use the [F10] Utilities option to select another Serial Port. .PA >SPEC670-3 ASINUSE: -3 The Serial Port you have specified is currently in use by another application. MediSoft cannot access a serial port that is already open. You may need to close all applications and restart the computer. .PA >SPEC670-4 ASINVBUFSIZE: -4 MediSoft could not reserve a block of memory for the specified Serial Port. You may need to close all applications and restart the computer. .PA >SPEC670-5 ASNOMEMORY: -5 MediSoft has run out of available working memory. You may need to close all applications and restart the computer. .PA >SPEC670-6 ASNOTSETUP: -6 The currently defined Serial Port was never successfully opened. Use the [F10] Utilities menu option to reselect the required Serial Port. .PA >SPEC670-7 ASINVPAR: -7 One of the selected menu options was invalid for your modem. Use the [F10] Utilities menu to reselect the desired menu options. .PA >SPEC670-8 ASBUFREMPTY: -8 The Modem Receive Buffer is empty and is unable to transfer the requested number of bytes. You should try this command again when the Modem Receive Buffer is not empty. .PA >SPEC670-9 ASBUFRFULL: -9 The Modem Transmit Buffer is empty and is unable to transfer the requested number of bytes. You should try this command again when the Modem Transmit Buffer is not empty. .PA >SPEC670-10 ASTIMEOUT: -10 A timeout has occured. An allotted time specification has been exceeded. .PA >SPEC670-11 ASNOCTS: -11 Clear To Send (CTS) was expected but not asserted. Either try the command again, or use the [F10] Utilities menu to disable CTS/RTS. .PA >SPEC670-12 ASNOCD: -12 Carrier Detect (CD) was expected but not asserted. You may not issue this command without a CD signal. .PA >SPEC670-13 ASNODSR: -13 Data Send Ready (DSR) was expected but not asserted. Try again. .PA >SPEC670-14 ASNO8250: -14 The Serial Port selected does not report the 8250 family UART (modem). You have possibly selected the port to which the mouse is connected, or some other serial peripheral. .PA >SPEC670-16 ASUSERABORT: -16 You have pressed the [Esc] key during a file transfer, or during a Hayes Modem command. If you did not press the [Esc] key, then there is probably line noise interference. .PA >SPEC670-19 ASNOWIDERX: -19 No WideTrack receive available on this Serial Port. MediSoft cannot successfully WideTrack receive modes and should not be used. .PA >SPEC670-20 ASCONFLICT: -20 There was an attempt to open multiple ports on shared interrupt board using different interrupt lines and a conflict occured. .PA >SPEC670-22 ASNOHAYESOK: -22 An "OK" response was expected from the modem but not received. You may have a problem with the modem. .PA >SPEC670-23 ASNOHAYESRESPONSE: -23 A function used by MediSoft did not receive the expected response. You may need to exit the terminal mode and restart MediSoft. .PA >SPEC670-25 ASILLEGALBAUDRATE: -25 The selected Baud Rate is invalid for this modem. Use the [F10] Utilities menu option to select a different Baud Rate. .PA >SPEC670-26 ASILLEGALPARITY: -26 The selected Parity is not valid for this modem. Use the [F10] Utilities menu option to select a different Parity. .PA >SPEC670-27 ASILLEGALWORDLENGTH: -27 The selected Word Length is not valid for this modem. Use the [F10] Utilities menu option to select a different Word Length. .PA >SPEC670-28 ASILLEGALSTOPBITS: -28 The selected Stop Bits are not valid for this modem. Use the [F10] Utilities menu option to select a different Stop Bits setting. .PA >SPEC670-29 ASNOCOPYRIGHTNOTICE: -29 Your MediSoft executable code is corrupt. Reinstall MediSoft. .PA >SPEC670-31 ASOVERFLOW: -31 The Transmit or Receive Modem Buffers have overflowed. Data has been lost. You should disconnect and reconnect. Or try the file transfer again. .PA >SPEC670-36 ASHANDSHAKEBLOCK: -36 The selected Handshaking option is blocking polled modem functions. Use [F10] Utilities to disable all handshaking. .PA >SPEC670-39 ASIRQINUSE: -39 MediSoft could not open the specified Serial Port because the IRQ is already in use. Exit the terminal mode and restart MediSoft. .PA >SPEC670-601 XFER_RETURN_CANT_GET_BUFFER: -601 MediSoft could not allocate memory for the file transfer to occur. You must free up more memory - restart MediSoft and try again. .PA >SPEC670-602 XFER_RETURN_CANT_OPEN_FILE: -602 The specified file could not be opened. The destination file may be read only, or the destination disk may be write protected. If you are uploading, the filename specified is missing or invalid. .PA >SPEC670-603 XFER_RETURN_CANT_SEND_NAK: -603 The file receiver never sent the NAK character or packet. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-604 XFER_RETURN_CANT_SEND_ACK: -604 The file receiver never sent the ACK character or packet. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-605 XFER_RETURN_KEYBOARD_ABORT: -605 MediSoft reported that the user (local end) pressed the abort key to stop the file transfer. .PA >SPEC670-606 XFER_RETURN_REMOTE_ABORT: -606 MediSoft reported that the BBS (remote end) pressed the abort key to stop the file transfer. This may also be caused by line interference. .PA >SPEC670-607 XFER_RETURN_FILE_ERROR: -607 A File I/O error has occured during a read/write operation on the current file being transferred. .PA >SPEC670-608 XFER_RETURN_PACKET_TIMEOUT: -608 Timeout waiting for the first character in the packet. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-609 XFER_RETURN_BAD_PACKET_SIZE: -609 Got an invalid packet size. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-610 XFER_RETURN_TOO_MANY_ERRORS: -610 Exceeded (non-fatal) protocol error limit. This may be caused by excessive line interference. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-611 XFER_RETURN_LOGIC_ERROR: -611 Unknown error has occured Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-612 XFER_RETURN_CAT_PUT_BUFFER: -612 Buffer full attempting to transmit data/packet. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-613 XFER_RETURN_CANT_PUT_BUFFER: -613 The file sender failed to issue an EOT character or packet. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-614 XFER_RETURN_PROTOCOL_ERROR: -614 The BBS (remote end) is not using the select protocol correctly. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. Make sure the BBS and your local end are trying to send and receive in proper coordination. .PA >SPEC670-615 XFER_RETURN_CANT_PUT_CHAR: -615 MediSoft could not send a necessary character. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. This could indicate hardware failure. .PA >SPEC670-616 XFER_RETURN_CANT_GET_CHAR: -616 MediSoft could not receive a necessary character. Try using a different protocol, or just try again. This could indicate hardware failure. .PA >SPEC670-617 XFER_RETURN_ASCII_TIMEOUT: -617 ASCII file capture, 10 second dead timeout. This may not mean there was an error - just that the other end stop sending data for a period of 10 seconds. .PA >SPEC670-618 XFER_RETURN_LOST_CARRIER: -618 Lost carrier during transfer. You must reconnect and try again. This can be caused by line interference, call waiting or the other end simply hung up. .PA >SPEC670-619 XFER_RETURN_NO_FILES: -619 No files were found to be sent. Check the filenames you want to send and try again. .PA >SPEC67020 Use the cursor control keys to position the highlight on the desired communication parameter and press the [Enter] key. You can also type the number to the left of the menu option. Press the [Esc] key to return to the Terminal Mode. Serial Port: Modify the current Serial or COM port setting. WARNING: Do not change the COM port while "ONLINE". Baud Rate: Change the modem speed of the current connection. Word Length: Change the number of Data Bits for each data byte. Parity: Change the type of data byte parity control. Stop Bits: Change the number of Stop Bits for each data byte. Handshaking: Change the methods of communications flow control. .PA >SPEC67021 Select the Serial Port to be used for further communications during this Terminal Mode session. NOTE: If you are online, your current session will be lost if you change the current serial port. .PA >SPEC67022 Select the desired Baud Rate for the current session. If you are not currently online, the selected Baud Rate will be used during your next connection within this Terminal Mode session. If you are using a 14.4k Baud Modem, or greater; try the 57,600bps setting first, and work your way backwards to 19,200bps. .PA >SPEC67023 Select the desired number of bits to use for data within each data byte transmitted. Most common are 8 and 7. You will usually use 8 when connecting with a PC based system. Mainframes and Compuserve will usually require 7. .PA >SPEC67024 Select the desired method for parity error correction. NOTE: If the word length is set to 8, you must set the Parity to NONE. Most common is No Parity when Data Bits are 8. Mainframes and Compuserve will usually require EVEN parity. .PA >SPEC67025 Select the desired number of bits to use as Stop Bit indicators. .PA >SPEC67026 Select the desired method of communications "flow control". None: No hardware or software controls in place to restrict data traffic flow. XON/XOFF: Software level flow control that is used when no MNP is available between the local and remote users. RTS/CTS: Hardware level flow control that is used when MNP is available, but just not activated. Both: Initiate both XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS flow controls. .PA >SPEC67027 Select the desired file transfer protocol method. Be sure you select the same protocol that is being used by the BBS (remote end). Xmodem/Checksum: 128 byte data blocks followed by 1 checksum character. Good for small files, bad connections, slow modems. Xmodem/CRC: 128 byte data blocks followed by 2 CRC calculation characters. Good for small files, bad connections and slow modems when sending binary files (.EXEs & .ZIPs). Xmodem/LRC: 320 byte data blocks followed by 1 checksum character. Only for sending to Texas Health Information Network. .CO Protocol Selection Xmodem-1k: 1024 byte data blocks followed by a CRC calculation. Good for single files on slower modems. Xmodem-1k-g: Same as Xmodem-1k with no wait for CRC Acknowledgement from receiving end. If receiving end reports an error, the whole transfer aborts. Good only in very special circumstances. ASCII: Straight data feed across the modem with no error sensing capabilities. Good only in very special circumstances. .CO Protocol Selection Ymodem Batch: 1024 byte blocks with CRC calculation. Able to transfer multiple files in succession. Good for multiple and/or binary files. Works like a multi-file Xmodem-1k. Ymodem-g: Same as Ymodem Batch, with the no wait characteristics of Xmodem-1k-g. Good only very special circumstances. Zmodem: High speed, multiple file transfer protocol with error correcting and crash recovery. This protocol is the best in almost every situation, except: slow modems during a bad connection. .PA >SPEC67030 Enter the filename to upload. If you are specifying a file that resides in a directory other than the MediSoft program directory, you must specify the full DRIVE:\PATH\FILENAME.EXT. If you are sending using one of the following protocols: Ymodem Batch, Ymodem-g, Kermit, Zmodem you may use valid DOS wildcards to include multiple files. (i.e. FILES*.*, MA??*.TXT, etc.) Press [Esc] to abandon the file upload process. .PA >SPEC67031 Enter the filename to download. You may specify the full DRIVE:\PATH\FILENAME.EXT if you want the destination file to reside in a directory other than the MediSoft program directory. You may not use DOS wildcard characters. The filename entered here must be a valid singular filename. Press [Esc] to abandon the file download process. .PA >SPEC6704 A T T A C H P O S T T R A N S M I S S I O N R E P O R T Select a transmitted EMC Batch File to which MediSoft can attach the file to be downloaded. Once selected, MediSoft will determine the appropriate DOS Filename for the download file. You may print the resulting attachment using the Print Post Transmission Report option of MediSoft, or you can print the report from the Print Audit Report option. To abandon the file attachment, press the [Esc] key. .PA >SPEC6705 The system is asking if you want to manually name the download file(s), or you may have MediSoft name the download file(s) by "attaching" to an existing EMC Batch File that has been previously transmitted. If the file(s) you are downloading Claim Status Reports or Transmission Acknowledgment Reports from your EMC receiver, you may be in a position to have MediSoft assign the downloaded file(s) to a specific EMC Batch File. This is referred to as ATTACHing. Whether or not this is recommended will depend upon the EMC receiver. Refer to your EMC Direct Manual for specifications. If you are not downloading EMC Batch File related information, just select "N" for No to this prompt. *68 EMC File Utilities O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N After creating, printing, transmitting and marking claims for a period of time, you will find that your EMC Batch File list is growing out of control. It is time to remove some of the older, billed EMC Batch Files from the system. MediSoft allows you to delete EMC Batch Files from your system, freeing up hard disk space and making the EMC Batch File selection windows easier to navigate. You should define a deletion schedule that best suites your own needs. .CO Option Information This schedule should be dependent upon: A) How much disk space you have available, or want to keep available. B) How frequently you create EMC Batch Files. C) How frequently you mark accepted and rejected claims. D) How long you want to retain billed EMC Batch Files for audit trail reporting purposes. REMEMBER: If you consistently backup your data, you will always have an audit trail. .CO Option Information Medisoft also allows you to rebuild files and file indexes. Due to the nature of MediSoft, it is not effective to offer a menu for you to select which files you want to rebuild, since the files vary depending upon the results of the Create Electronic Claims option. MediSoft instead, combines the Delete and Index Rebuild functions. You may rebuild file indexes without deleting, but you will always rebuild indexes after purging. This approach helps minimize the amount of disk space required by MediSoft. From within the EMC Batch File selection window, you may select to rebuild the EMC Batch Control File and the EMC Settings File. The EMC Batch Control File contains a record for each EMC Batch File created using Create Electronic Claims option. .CO Option Information The EMC Settings file contains a record for each EMC Receiver setup in the EMC Receiver Settings option. Both files are automatically rebuilt each time you exit the EMC File Utilities option. You may rebuild the index for individual EMC Batch File, and it's associated EMC Direct Format File by pressing [Enter]. When you press [Enter] the highlighted EMC Batch File's control file is reindexed along with the EMC Format File assigned to the EMC Receiver. You may delete an EMC Batch File from the system by pressing [F10]. When you press [F10], the system will pop up a general information window, displaying information regarding the selected EMC Batch File. .CO Option Information You will be prompted to verify the delete selection. If you verify the delete selection, the EMC Batch File control record will be deleted from the EMC Claims Batch Control File, and all files with the same base EMC filename will be removed from the EMC subdirectory located just below your MediSoft Data directory. .CO Option Information >XWIN68 E M C F I L E U T I L I T I E S This window is used to view and select EMC Batch Files for performing one of the following file maintenance utilities: Index Recreation Rebuild indexes for the EMC Batch Control File and the EMC Direct Format File associated with the EMC Batch File. Delete Delete the EMC Batch File from the system. This will include the EMC transmission file, control file, control file index and any attachments associated with the EMC Batch File. It will also delete the EMC Batch File reference from this window. .CO EMC File Utilities Regardless of how many EMC Batch Files you delete, or indexes you rebuild, upon exiting this option, MediSoft will reindex the EMC Batch Control File, and EMC Receiver Settings file, and purge all deleted records. The EMC Batch Control File contains a record for each EMC Batch File that is recreated within the Create Electronic Claims option. The EMC Batch Control File is used to create this window, and other EMC selection windows. The EMC Receiver Settings file contains a record for each EMC receiver defined in the EMC Receiver Settings option. .CO EMC File Utilities While you are in the scrolling window, use the arrow keys to position the highlight. You may also use Home, End, PgUp and PgDn. Other keys that function within the window are listed at the bottom of the screen. Esc Exits the window, and positions the cursor at the last field. Enter Reindex the EMC Batch Control and associated Format Files. F1 MediSoft Help Window. F2 Prints a utility EMC Ledger for the contents of the window. F4 Alternates between single or double line (detail) view mode. F6 Changes the current status of the highlighted EMC Batch File. STATUS: Verify, Rejected, Billed, Audit, Mark, Transmit F9 Edit the Comment field for the highlighted EMC Batch File. F10 Delete the select EMC Batch File and all associations. *69 EMC Settings O P T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N This screen allows you to establish vital information regarding each of the receivers to which you will be submitting electronic claims. By merely saving a record for an insurance company on this screen, you subsequently define them as being a direct receiver. From that point on, any time you use the Create Electronic Claims option, all patient records with a primary insurance company different from the Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier will be skipped. .CO EMC Settings The system assumes that if the patients insurance company has EMC Settings defined, then you will be filing directly with that receiver, and the patients transactions are to be skipped unless filing directly to that receiver. So, unless you will be sending electronic claims files via modem directly to the insurance carrier: DO NOT DEFINE EMC SETTINGS FOR THE INSURANCE COMPANY ON THIS SCREEN ** This screen is only for your ** Direct Receivers and Clearing Houses .CO EMC Receiver Settings Some fields on this screen will require knowledge of how your hardware is set up. Some will require knowledge of the type of receiver you are defining, and the rest will require you contact the receiver directly. Please refer to your MediSoft Claims Direct manual for details on supplying information for some of these fields. .CO EMC Receiver Settings >6901 F I E L D I N F O R M A T I O N Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier: Enter the insurance carrier number for an EMC Receiver. If the receiver is a clearing house, enter the insurance number assigned when the "dummy" insurance carrier was setup within the Insurance Information option. If the receiver is Equifax EDI Services, leave this field blank or enter '0000'. When establishing a Clearing House other than Equifax, remember that the Insurance Company record is a "dummy" record, and is for reference purposes only. .CO Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier You should NEVER assign a Clearing House number to a Patients Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Insurance Number. If you do not know the number for an existing EMC receiver, you may press the [F7]EMC Lookup key to access a pop up window of all previously defined EMC Receivers. If you want to lookup an insurance company for the purpose of defining EMC Receiver Settings, you may press the [F6]Search key to access the standard MediSoft Insurance Company Search Window. .PA >6902 Format File ID: This field links directly to a "Format File" which was loaded onto your hard drive. Refer to your MediSoft Direct EMC manual for the appropriate code to enter into this field. This format file contains instructions which the Create Electronic Claims option uses to build an EMC Batch File for transmission. All carriers have different instructions for how to submit claims directly. When you loaded MediSoft onto your system, you also loaded the format files for EMC services. These formats are named ETS6 and ENV1. Descriptive information for these files is located on the upper left corner of the screen. .CO Format File ID AUTO MARK: This Format Fact indicates that after a successful transmission, the EMC Batch File will automatically be processed for claim acceptance and rejection based upon an immediate attachment made available by the EMC Receiver (i.e. ETS6, ETS5). If this Format Fact is not displayed, then users must perform claim status determination using the Mark Claim Status option. BBS AVAILABLE: This Format Fact indicates support of the BBS Connection option. You will need to refer to the EMC Direct manual for specific details on why, how and when to access the receivers BBS system(s). If this Format Fact is not displayed, then you may not select this EMC Receiver in the BBS Connection option. .CO Format File ID M O D E M T E S T With this version of MediSoft you now have the ability to test your hardware configuration without having to go to either Transmit Electronic Claims or BBS Connection. By pressing [F9]Modem Test, the system will open the defined Serial Port at the specified Baud Rate. It will test the modem for Hayes Modem compatibility, and then test the specified Modem Dialing Prefix, Phone Number and Suffix for any ERROR result codes. A pop up Modem Configuration Window displays each step and the results of each testing step. If any of the tests fail, a General Error description and Error ID number is displayed. .PA >6903 Receiver ID: Refer to the MediSoft Field Requirements section of the EMC manual for appropriate Format File entry instructions. .PA >6904 Submitter ID: Refer to the MediSoft Field Requirements section of the EMC manual for appropriate Format File entry instructions. .PA >6905 Password: Refer to the MediSoft Field Requirements section of the EMC manual for appropriate Format File entry instructions. .PA >6906 Region: Refer to the MediSoft Field Requirements section of the EMC manual for appropriate Format File entry instructions. .PA >6907 Contact: As the name implies, this field would most likely be used to store Contact information for your office. However, you should refer to the the MediSoft Field Requirements section of the EMC manual for appropriate Format File entry instructions. .PA >6908 Mode Indicator: This field defines the type of EMC Batch File that will be created in the Create Electronic Claims option for the EMC Receiver. During your initial subscription period with the EMC Receiver, the EMC Batch Files you submit will be considered tests. Once you have submitted error free a predetermined number of claims, the EMC Receiver will allow you to begin submitting production claims. Using the left and right arrow, switch this setting from TEST to PROD depending upon your needs for the EMC Receiver. .PA >6909 Phone Number: This is the number for dialing during an EMC Batch File transmission session to the selected EMC Receiver. Enter all numbers required for making this call (Enter 1 + Area Code + Number for long distance). Do not enter any punctuation (i.e. 1(800)555-1212 ext 245 should be entered as 18005551212245). .PA >6910 Serial Port: The EMC program must know where to access your modem. Whether you are using an internal modem which requires the port definition to be made on the modem card; or are plugging an external modem into a socket on the back of the computer, the theory is the same. COM 1, 2, 3, or 4 may be selected by pressing the left or right cursor control arrow until the correct port number appears on the screen. In the case of an internal modem, the communications port by which the modem is addressed is defined by switches or jumpers on the modem board. Consult your modem manual for the correct setting. The switch or jumper settings must match the communications port defined in this field. .CO Serial Port After setting this field you can press the [F9]Modem Test function key to test the currently selected COM port. NOTE: Be certain that only one device (modem, mouse, serial port, etc.) is configured on the selected COM port. Unpredictable results may occur if two or more devices are trying to share the same port. Also, be certain that you do not have multiple communications software loaded and trying to access the same COM port ( running Fax software in the background ). .PA >6911 Baud Rate: The Baud Rate is most loosely translated as the speed of the modem. You must contact a representative of the particular EMC Receiver for details on the fastest allowed modem speeds at the EMC Receiver. Then, you must determine the fastest speed allowed by your modem, (Usually your modem name will include / indicate the top speed). Then you must use the right and left arrows to set this field on the lesser of the two speeds. NOTE: You may communicate with an EMC Receiver only as fast as the slowest modem. .CO Baud Rate If you have a 14.4k modem you will definitely be able to set the Baud Rate at 19,200. You may be able to increase that setting to 38,400 if your modem has "v.32" or "v.42" data compression. Remember, both ends of the communication must have data compression to achieve such a high rate. If you have a 28.8k modem you may be able to achieve a data rate as high as 57,600 ( Only if the other end can do it too !). .PA >6912 Your Modem Dialing PREFIX: These characters are sent to the modem before the phone number. This character sequence must have at a minimum ATDT. If you only have rotary (pulse) dialing, enter ATD. Note: alphabetic characters MUST be entered as uppercase letters only. .CO Dialing PREFIX This character sequence may be used to control a PBX system or even access a long distance dialing service. A comma is inserted in the character sequence to instruct the modem to pause before dialing the next number in the string. Each comma represents a one second pause. A sample telephone number to allow the modem to get an outside line on a tone dialing capable PBX system is as follows: ATDT9,, This example dials a 9 to gain access to an outside line, pauses two seconds and then dials the phone number entered in the phone number field above. The pause may be adjusted up or down by adding or taking away commas to meet the requirements of an individual phone system. .CO Dialing PREFIX An example dialing prefix for a tone capable PBX system using a long distance dialing service which requires entry of an account number before the area code and phone number is as follows: ATDT 9,,5551234,,,123456 This example dials 9 for an outside line, pauses for 2 seconds, dials the long-distance service (5551234), pauses for 3 seconds and dials the account number (123456). The number entered in the phone number field is then dialed. .PA >6913 Modem Dialing SUFFIX: This character sequence is normally used to end the entire dialing sequence before the carriage return. When the MediSoft Direct program dials a number the Modem Dialing Prefix, Phone Number and Modem Dialing Suffix are all sent to the modem at once in this order. .PA >6914 Modem Deinitialization: By default this field is blank to indicate no modem sequence is sent to the modem after each transmission. You may find it necessary to reinitialize the modem after your MediSoft transmission session is complete. .PA >6915 Connection Attempts: Enter the number of times the Transmit Electronic Claims option should attempt to reconnect with a receiver in the event busy signals, failed connections or disconnections. Enter '0' for unlimited attempts. Note: MediSoft will make an unlimited number of attempts, regardless of this setting when you have selected a Delayed Transmission. .PA >6916 Receiver Type: Tells MediSoft how to handle the Create Electronic Claims option. If you select "Direct Receiver", MediSoft will not allow you to enter a range of Insurance Carriers. This is done because MediSoft will process only those patients whose primary insurer matches the Direct Receiver/Insurance Carrier selected. If you select "Clearing House", MediSoft will allow you to enter a range of Insurance Carriers. MediSoft will process those acceptable patients whose primary insurance carrier falls within the range of insurance carriers you have selected. MediSoft will skip any patients whose primary insurance carrier is also defined with EMC Settings (MediSoft assumes that patients transactions will be filed directly with the insurance carrier, and not through a clearing house). .PA >6917 Batch Method: This field lets you define how to "batch" or group your claims within the EMC file. It is recommended that you batch by attend- ing provider if you are billing for a group of providers. Batching by assigned provider is useful in a single provider practice, so that you may have one claim for the patient instead of seperate claims for each location they were seen at. Batching by insurance company is only recommended for certain carriers. Call MediSoft Technical Support if you think you need to batch by insurance company. >6918 BBS Submitter ID: As the name implies, this field is used to store a Submitter ID assigned by the selected EMC Receiver for access to a BBS system provided by the EMC Receiver. However, you should refer to the MediSoft Field Requirements section of the EMC manual for appropriate Format File entry instructions. .PA >6919 BBS Password: As the name implies, this field would most likely be used to store a Password to the BBS for the selected EMC Receiver. However, you should refer to the MediSoft Field Requirements section of the EMC manual for appropriate Format File entry instructions. .PA *